Thursday, November 1, 2007


Learn how the herbs are miraculously helpful to combat in today’s urban lifestyle.

Grow them by putting the tray in the window-sill which receives about 3-4 hours of daily sunlight, water them appropriately and make your daily tea an ‘Herbal Tea’.
‘Herbal Tea’ made of using these herbs is powerful antioxidant helps your body for taking on the urban stress and ill effects of the pollutants. The contents in this Window Garden Plant Tray are:

Know the Herb

Have a look at it

‘Lemon Grass’
Traditionally used for making herbal tea, this citronella grass gives an aromatic flavor to the Herbal Tea. Helps our body to fight against the viruses and prevents it from cold and cough.

Grown as a ‘Sacred Plant’ at every Indian Home Tulsi contains powerful chemicals which help body fight the ill effects of Pollution and the microbes. By Adding to ‘Herbal Tea’ Tulsi gives Aroma and protection against the microbial attacks.

‘Paan Ova’
Known for its aromatic smell, Paan Oval contains volatile essential oils which are useful to reduce stomach troubles. Not necessarily used for “Herbal Tea’ as such but safe herb to use at home for Gas Trouble etc.

Traditionally used for making herbal tea, these aromatic leaves also used for making chutney. It gives a fresh n aromatic flavor to the Herbal Tea. Also helps bad odor to the mouth, against the gases, for preventing from effects of heat and cold and cough.

Traditionally used for making herbal tea, these leaves are also used for making herbal oils for the scalp. They are recommended for the used as brain tonic and against the fatigue to the nervous system.

‘Lendi Pimpali’
The fruits of this plant are crushed and used in very small quantity to add for making the herbal tea. It helps curing the cold and cough as well as for minor infections.

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